Candidate for the position of ANUSA Elections - General Secretary

Image for Phoenix O'Neill

Phoenix O'Neill (Power in Community)

Hi! I’m Phoenix O’Neill (they/she) and I’d love to be your General Secretary in 2023. This year as Clubs Officer, I spent a lot of time rewriting the clubs regulations - consulting with over 50 clubs in the process - and I’d love to continue the work of making ANUSA’s governance less bureaucratic, and more accessible. 

My policy has three main focuses:
1. Reforming Governance to improve ANUSA’s culture and meetings 
2. Improving ANUSA’s engagement with students and our democratic processes
3. Rebuilding our representation, particularly if postgraduates become members of the Association. 

I want a democratic, leftist, activist union that empowers students to stand up for what they believe in. 

Vote [1] Phoenix O’Neill for General Secretary
Vote [1] Power in Community
See the rest of my policy here: ?