Candidate for the position of ANUSA Elections - General Representative

Image for Skye Predavec

Skye Predavec (Power in Community)

Hi! I’m Skye (she/her), and I’m running to be one of your Genreps!

I'm a second year of PPE/Law, current Queer Advocate and Community representative at Wamburun Hall, and Secretary of PPEsoc. I will fight for students in the face of a University which sees us as no more than their profits, in particular:

  • A liveable campus. The reintroduction of public and university transport through Campus (especially Daley rd), and better cycling rights and infrastructure.
  • Battling course cuts. I will coordinate with our Education Officer and College Reps to fight any future cuts, and bring back the ones already lost.

A vote for me is a vote to fight back against austerity education policies, and to create a more liveable campus. Please check out my policy in more detail here: 

Vote [1] Skye Predavec for General Representative!
Vote [1] Power in Community for all positions!