Hey, I’m Harrison Oates (He/him) and I’m running for CECS Rep! I’m an Advanced Computing (R&D) / PPE student experienced in advocacy and policy, with particular focus on youth rights and technology. On campus, I’m the Competition Specialist at ANU Solar Racing, a student-led project within CECS where we build and race a solar-powered vehicle across the Australian outback.
As your CECS Rep, I will fight against funding cuts, increase transparency and communication, and ensure that the voices of students are at the centre of all decision-making within our College. I don’t expect to do this single-handedly: if elected, I commit to regular ‘coffee consults’, where students can bring their lived experience to guide where I focus my time and energy to maximise their academic wellbeing.
Vote [1] Harrison for CECS Rep!
Vote [1] Power in Community for all positions!