ANUSA Annual Elections 2022

The ANUSA elections are open to all undergraduate students enrolled at the Australian National University in 2022.

The polls have closed.

ANUSA Elections - President

The President must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policy of the Association:
(a) represent Students on relevant bodies, including committees of the University, or
after consultation with the SRC, appoint members of the Association to such bodies;
(b) be the spokesperson of the Association on matters of concern to members of the Association;
(c) make every effort to inform members of the Association of issues relevant to their welfare, and of
decisions made or actions undertaken by the Association on their behalf;
(d) be available to Students to provide advice and advocacy;
(e) make a report of the activities of the Association to the Annual General Meeting of the
(f) take such other action as they consider necessary in the interests of members of the
(g) represent the views of the Association to the media and any other external body;
(h) be primarily responsible for the Association's employees and ensuring the effectiveness and
productivity of the Executive, subject to the overall direction of the Executive;
(i) consult any relevant Department Officer when making appointments to various University
(j) consult with the CRC before appointing a student to any College board or committee; and
(k) liaise with the University Council Member on issues relevant to Students. 

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ANUSA Elections - Undergraduate Member on ANU Council

(1) The University Council Member is the person elected according to the Election Regulations, provided they are consistent with the requirements of the University's enabling Act, and any relevant statutes of the University.

(2) The University Council Member must:

(a) attend meetings of the University Council; and

(b) comply with the University's enabling Act and any statutes of the University as they apply to members of the University Council.

(3) The General Secretary must invite the University Council Member to attend meetings of the SRC.

(4) The University Council Member is neither a Representative of the Association, nor an Officer of the Association for the purposes of the Constitution and Regulations.

(5) The University Council Member may not be removed from their position otherwise than in accordance with the University's enabling Act, any relevant statutes of the University

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ANUSA Elections - Vice President

The Vice President must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policy of the Association: 

(a) together with the President, represent Students on other bodies, including
committees of the University;
(b) be available to Students to provide advice and advocacy;
(c) liaise with students and relevant organisations about educational access issues;
(d) assist the President in researching education issues;
(e) assist with the development and implementation of the policies of the Association;
(f) assist with campaigns organised by the Association alongside other Officers of the Association;
(g) maintain a comprehensive knowledge of the workings of the Association in order to substitute for
the President should the need arise. 

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ANUSA Elections - General Secretary

The General Secretary must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policy of the Association:

(a) convene and chair meetings of the Association as required under this Constitution;
(b) ensure that minutes of meetings of the Executive, the Student Representative Council, General
Meetings and other meetings of the Association, including a basic summary of discussion, are
recorded, signed by the presiding officer and retained;
(c) prepare, authorise and release all notices of the Association;
(d) pursuant to the section 3 (“Interpretation”), have the power to interpret the Constitution,
Regulations and Policy of the Association; and
(e) be responsible for informing Officers of the Association about their responsibilities under this

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ANUSA Elections - Treasurer


  1. Oversee the financial affairs of the Association;
  2. Arrange for the books and accounts of the Association to be audited and presented in accordance with section 17;

  3. Prepare and present such reports as are required under this Constitution;

  4. Be responsible for assisting Representatives of the Association in organising the finances of the Association for which they have responsibility; and

  5. Be responsible for obtaining sponsorship of the Association and its activities, and for maintaining relations with those sponsors and

  6. be a member of the Student Clubs Council.

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ANUSA Elections - Education Officer

The Education Officer must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policy of the Association:
(a) oversee the implementation of the higher education and related policy of the Association;
(b) organise such campaigns and actions as the SRC and Executive deem appropriate to give effect to the Constitution, Regulations and Policy of the Association;
(c) collate information on higher education issues which affect the Association and its members;
(d) convene the Association's Education Committee in accordance with section 19 (“Education Committee”);
(e) on behalf of the Association, liaise with national and local bodies on relevant campaigns relating
to higher education;
(f) alongside the Welfare Officer, prepare submissions on behalf of the Association to Government
inquiries and reviews on higher education matters;
(g) petition the university administration and government on higher education issues; and
(h) engage the Association in activism relevant and pertaining to issues faced by students in higher education. 

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ANUSA Elections - Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and policies of the Association:

(a) oversee the implementation of welfare and related policy of the Association;

(b) liaise with the President on relevant student welfare issues;

(c) provide general advocacy on welfare issues for students;

(d) on behalf of the Association, liaise with national and local bodies on relevant welfare campaigns;

(e) alongside the Education Officer, prepare submissions on behalf of the Association to Government inquiries and reviews on welfare matters; and

(f) collate information on welfare issues which affect students and the Association.

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ANUSA Elections - Clubs Officer

The Clubs Officer must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policy of the Association:

(a) supervise the Orientation Week and Busk Week activities of the Association;

(b) facilitate other social activities on campus;

(c) liaise with the relevant organisations regarding social issues;

(d) provide leadership, governance and policy direction to the Student Clubs Council and the Council Executive;

(e) provide active support to members of the Clubs Council Executive in the performance of their duties, as described in the Clubs Regulations;

(f) chair meetings of the Student Clubs Council;

(g) arbitrate disputes within and between Clubs;

(h) report to SRC on behalf of the Student Clubs Council;

(i) advocate for the interests of Clubs at all levels; and

(j) liaise with the ANUSA Staff on the Clubs Council Executive with respect to the administration of funding and affiliation.

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ANUSA Elections - NUS Delegates (5 places)

NUS is the peak representative body for Australian undergraduate university students. It seeks to protect and advance the rights and interests of undergraduate students by working with campus-based student organisations, running actions and campaigns, and making sure the voices of students are heard by parliamentarians.

The National Union of Students' highest decision making body is NUS National Conference held in December each year. Each affiliated campus elects delegates from the student body at their annual elections to attend and help determine the policy of NUS, as well as elect the National and State Office Bearers for the coming year. 

ANU students are required to elect five Delegates to the NUS National Conference. For more information about the NUS, or the role of Delegates, please visit the NUS website.

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ANUSA Elections - General Representative (14 places)

General Representatives shall provide general assistance to the activities of the Association and in consultation with the Executive, or as determined by the SRC, undertake specific projects and advocacy during their term.

There are 14 General Representatives to be elected each year.

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ANUSA Elections - College of Law Representative - Undergraduate (2 places)

College Representatives are required to sit on College-designated boards or committees of the College or school(s) which they represent.

There is established a College Representative Council (CRC) that must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policies of the Association, analyse academic issues of relevance to the Colleges, and formulate methods to ensure that the academic interests of students within the Colleges are protected.

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ANUSA Elections - College of Arts and Social Sciences Representative - Undergraduate (2 places)

College Representatives are required to sit on College-designated boards or committees of the College or school(s) which they represent.

There is established a College Representative Council (CRC) that must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policies of the Association, analyse academic issues of relevance to the Colleges, and formulate methods to ensure that the academic interests of students within the Colleges are protected.

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ANUSA Elections - College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics Representative - Undergraduate (2 places)

College Representatives are required to sit on College-designated boards or committees of the College or school(s) which they represent.

There is established a College Representative Council (CRC) that must, subject to the Constitution, the Regulations and Policies of the Association, analyse academic issues of relevance to the Colleges, and formulate methods to ensure that the academic interests of students within the Colleges are protected.

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ANUSA Elections - Environment Officer

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